Tuesday, August 28, 2018

obligation of forming a Jamaat or a Society of Muslims with a President or Ameer

obligation of forming a Jamaat or a Society of Muslims with a President or Ameer

It is compulsory for Muslims to Form a society of Muslims and elect an Amir or President.

wherever they are living or residing, in cities, in towns in villages or even in the forests or even while travelling.

Today the Muslims are living in all over the world in Cities, Towns and in Villages, but they are living just as the Goats or Sheep or the Cattle or the Poultry or Chickens lives in in the Farms owned by the Dairy farm or Slaughter houses, these animals lives on the mercy of the butchers, they feed them, they treat their diseases and sicknesses, they keep them in protected shelters well ventilated and when demand for the meat increases then they kill them, they slaughter them by whatever the means be humane or painless such as stun guns and otherwise.

The Muslims are living in the same way in the world, they are living on the mercy of the others, the Muslims are not desired to live in such conditions, as they are the people whom the God has given his guidance.
The Muslims must live a free and fearless life as humans and as per the best guidance of the God and his final Messenger PBUH.

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: 

When three people leave for a journey then they should appoint an Ameer amongst themselves.

(Abu Dawood Kitab ul Jihad. Sanad is Sahih and declared Hasan by Albani. At-Taleeqat-alal-Mishkaat 2/1145)

The Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam doesn't like that in a small period of time the travellers should remain without an Ameer so how is it possible that he would like that in the city the Muslim population is residing permanently without an Ameer. If in a small period of travelling the presence of an Ameer is important then the Ameer's presence in long period of residing is more important and since the obedience of the Ameer in travelling without a government is necessary so the obedience of the Ameer Jamaat without a government is also necessary. There isn't any condition for a government in any ayah or hadith for obedience to the Ameer and hence can't be laid. To impose the condition for a government is fabrication hence it is rejected.

Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said:

 I command you to do five things which Allah has commanded me (to propagate):

1)      To listen (Ameer 's order),

2)      To Obey,

3)      To do Jihad,

4)      To migrate,

5)      To make a Jamaat, a close knit society.

( Grade : Sahih (Darussalam) 

English reference  : Vol. 5, Book 42, Hadith 2863
Arabic reference  : Book 44, Hadith 3102

Prophet SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said make a Jamaat, the fifth point is Making a Jamaat i.e a society.

This is an order from the prophet SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, and the Society should have an Ameer, the first point is Ameer, and the members of that society must obey the Ameer,

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: It is not halaal for three men that they live in a jungle but make an Emir from amongst them. (meaning to live in a jungle without an Emir is forbidden).

(Narrated Ahmad and Sanad is Sahih. Buloogh ul Amani Vol: 19, Pg. 288, Ijtimaiyaat aur Islam pg. 2)

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: When three people leave for travelling they should appoint an Emir amongst themselves.

(Abu Dawood: Kitab ul Jihad, Sanad is Sahih and declared Hasan by Albani. At-Taleeqat-alal-Mishkaat 2/1145, Minhaj ul Muslimeen pg. 527)

Whether in the jungle or in travel we are forbidden to live without an Emir, so how is it possible that we can live our normal lives in cities without an Emir?.

Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: Upon you Jamaah is obligatory, escape from being separated as Satan is with one and distances himself from two.

(Tirmidhi Vol. 4 pg. 404, Imam Tirmidhi said this hadith is Hasan Sahih, Firqu mei Jamaat ki pehchaan pg. 7)

We are ordered to remain united and in the form of one Jamaah, this unity of Muslimeen in the form of a Jamaah has been called 'Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen' by our Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam),

Muslims are ordered to form a Jamat, a society, the muslims are not allowed to live individual lives. Prophet Muhammad (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said: Upon you Jamaah is obligatory, 

Obligatory means "Compulsory".

 The Order of the Prophet PBUH to form a Jamat and an Amir is not only for a Travel !, it is for all occasions, even in the Travel, or even if you are living in a JUNGLE !

And if you are not living in a Jungle, then it is compulsory to form a Society to live in a City or Town or even a Village.

In old times living in a Jungle and during travelling, there were more risks and dangers, but now in Modern world living in cities is comparatively more dangerous than living in Jungles,  as many social evils flourish in cities,

Therefore, forming an alliance and forming a Society/Jamat is more logical and safer for living in cities.
In the cities we need consultations and legal issues can be sorted out very easily if we have an Amir.

This process of forming a Jamaat and appointing an unanimously agreed Ameer is called Bayah.

Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: 

Necessarily adhere to the Jamaat, escape from separating as Shaitan is with one person, and distances him self from two. 

(Tirmizi in Abwaab ul Fiten and declared Sahih Vol. 2 pg 96)

Jamaat (staying attached with it) as whoever separates the size of a palm from the Jamaat he separates the rope of Islam from his neck except for  that he returns (towards the Jamaat).

(Tirmizi in Abwaab ul Amsaal narrated by Al Haris ul Ashari, declared Sahih– Vol. 2 pg 296)

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: 

Whoever leaves from the obedience (of the Ameer) and separates from the Jamaat (dies in that state) would die the death of  Jahiliyya

(Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 135)

Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam when mentioning the period of turmoil says: (in that period) People will invite as if they are standing on the door of hell and inviting to enter it. They will throw into it all such persons as whoever will accept their invitation.

Hudhaifa (RadiAllahu Tala Anho) said: What should I do, if I find that moment?

Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Stick to Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen and its Imam (Ameer).

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Fiten Vol. 9 pg 65 and Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 135)

 Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Necessarily adhere to the Jamaat, escape from separating as Shaitan is with one person, and distances him self from two. 

(Tirmizi in Abwaab ul Fiten and declared Sahih Vol. 2 pg 96)

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Whoever leaves from the obedience (of the Ameer) and separates from the Jamaat (dies in that state) would die the death of  Jahiliyya

(Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 135)

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: 

One who withdraws his hand from obedience (to the Ameer) will find no excuse when he meets Allah on the Day of Judgement, and one who dies without having bound himself by baiyah (of the Ameer) would die the death of Jahiliyya.

(Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 136)

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Whoever dislikes something of the Ameer then he should be patient as whoever separates the size of a palm from the sultan then his death would be of Jahiliyya.

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Fiten Vol. 9 pg 59 and Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol.2 pg134).

Now, the people who say that " We follow prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, and he is our Ameer", These people should know that the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam himself told to Obey an Ameer, 

Why he told this? He might have told that I am sufficient for you and  you do not need any other Ameer, but He himself told that " Prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Stick to Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen and its Imam (Ameer).

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Fiten Vol. 9 pg 65 and Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 135)".

Therefore it isnecessary for a muslim to adhere to a society and it's Ameer or precident after the death of the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam.

and that muslim must obey the Ameer. 

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Listen and obey (Ameer's order) even if an Ethiopian slave is made (Ameer) on you whose head is (the size of) a raisin.

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Ehkaam Vol. 9 pg78)

Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: It is obligatory for you to listen to the Ameer and obey him in adversity and prosperity, in pleasure and displeasure, and even when another person is given (undue) preference over you.

(Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 130)

 Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam said: Whoever sees something distasteful in his Ameer then he should be patient as whoever separates the size of a palm from the Jamaat and (in the same condition) dies then his death would be the death of Jahiliyya.

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Fiten Vol. 9 pg 56 and Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 136).

The taking of Bayah is a sunnah of the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, see this Hadith from BUKHARI,.

Ebada bin Sabit says: The Prophet called us then took baiyah from us. He took the baiyah from us on the following: To listen and obey (Ameer's order), in pleasure or displeasure, in hardships and easiness and when given preference and (we also took baiyah on) that not to quarrel with the Ameer in his authority except when you see (him doing) open kufr and (to prove his kufr) you have from Allah clear proof.

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab ul Fiten Vol. 9 pg 59 and Sahih Muslim Kitab ul Emiraate Vol. 2 pg 132).

Living solitary life and not forming a society of muslims is so common that the muslims think that this is the way we are living,

the educated muslims think that we are following the Quran and the Correct Hadiths and the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, therefore it is sufficient.

It is not sufficient, even for a short separation period of travelling the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam told to form an Ameer even for three people.

Therefore for the muslims living in a city it is compulsory for them to forming a Jamaat and a Ameer or president.

pledging an alliance and giving him assurance to follow his orders is called Bayah, this Bayah makes a society and this society gives benefits to it's members.

The prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam never wanted that the Muslims should live without forming a society and without an Ameer.

Today what we are witnessing that there are chaos and disunity among all muslims, this situation is the result of disobeying the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam.

2:208. O you who believe, enter Islam completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely, he is an open enemy for you. (Translation From Noble Quran By Mufti Taqi Usmani)

The God says to the Muslims, that " Enter completely in the Religion of Islam", .

Now if we want to obey the God and now if we wanted to enter in the religion, then we must obey the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, 

The prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam told us to be united and to form a society and to elect an Ameer and obey that Ameer.

Obedience of the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam is the Obedience to the God.

The Prophet (saas) has also stressed the importance of obedience in the hadiths:

"Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."

( Sahih Bukhari, Book 9, Number 251)

Allah the Exalted says: Oh those who believe obey Allah, obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority  (Nisa-59)

Now Think carefully, those people who assume that their Imaam is Prophet Mohammad PBUH and those people who think that we follow the Quran and Hadiths and this is sufficient for us, then these people must think about the above Verses of the Quran, the Verse of Sura Baqra (2-208)  and Sura Nisa Verse No. 59. if they think properly then they must ask themself that, " Are they truely following the God and his messenger",  Are they truely entered the Deen, as mentioned in the Sura Baqra verse no 208.

If they are not entering the Deen or the Religion completely, then they should Enter right now by following the instructions of the Prophet Mohammad PBUH as mentioned in this article of Forming a society and appointing an Ameer.

There is a system in existence today it is very resembling and akin to the act of Bayah and taking oath of allegiance, this system is called SUFISM or peer o mureed system.

The present day Sufis and Peer or Sheikhs or Murshads are not true Sufis, they are Charlatans and Imposters. 99% of them are Charlatans and impostors and fraud and businessmen in the disguise of a Sufi.

The present day Sufis and Peer or Sheikhs or Murshads are not true Sufis, they are Charlatans and Imposters. 99% of them are Charlatans and impostors and fraud and businessmen in the disguise of a Sufi.

The present day Sufis and Peer or Sheikhs or Murshads are not true Sufis, they are Charlatans and Imposters. 99% of them are Charlatans and impostors and fraud and businessmen in the disguise of a Sufi.

These are not Sufis, the general people think that these are sufis, no, these are false people, these are beggers and Charlatans.

There are very few people today who are really genuine Sufis.

There are True Sufis, these true sufis are noble in character and they seek the please of the God only, they do not want to be known to the public.

These are true Sufis

The God himself advised to all muslims to sit in the company of such real sufis, the Allah ( SubHanahu Wa Taala ) initially told to Prophet Mohammad PBUH and finally the order is for all of us who are present now in this world,

Allah SWT says in Quran, Chapter 18 verse No. 28, in Surah Kahaf. (the cave), that...

Surah 18 Al-Kahf, Ayat 28-28

(18:28) stay yourself in company with those who call / (Dhikr) upon their Lord, morning and evening, seeking His pleasure/ (His Essence), and  do not let your sight skip them, to seek the pomp and glitter of the world, Do not follow him whose heart We have caused to be heedless of Our remembrance ( Zikir/(Dhikr) ), and who follows his desires, and whose attitude has become Extravagant. ( For Details please see the bottom of this page).

The God describe these people as the seekers of the pleasure of God, who call to the Allah day & Night i.e do Dhikir of the God, and who are not seeking the worldly pleasures and who are not desiring the worldly gains and glitters and who are humble and who are submerged in the remembrance of the God by doing his Zikir and who want to please the God and who want to become the ones whom the God loves more, they are not world loving people and who are not extravagant The God describes them in Contrast of the worldly people whom he says are  those  whose heart We have caused to be heedless of Our remembrance ( Zikir/(Dhikr) ), and who follows his desires, and whose attitude is has become Extravagant.

These are true Sufis, these true Sufis are still today in this world, but we have to find them, search them and discover them.

Then How to distinguish between a True Sufi and a Charlatan ?

There are some very easy Criteria for this, See these points

(1) The Sufi must be a really pious and clean character man

(2) The Sufi should not ask any money or benefits
(3) The Sufi post SHOULD be non hereditary !

This last point is important !, point no. 3,  the post of the Sufi should be democratically elected one, if the Sufi appoints his son as his successor then this Sufi is not genuine at all.

Have you seen the Four Caliphs of Messenger of Allah SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, these 4 Khalifas were all democratically elected and no one had appointed his kin or son as his successor.

Although the genuine SUFIs are there but they always remain obscure and they do not want public attention,

If today muslims forms a society and elects it's Ameer and follow him then it is BAYAH or Bayat and The Ameer must be a really pious man, this kind of Sufism will be Beneficial for the present day muslims.

And I am in the favor of this kind of Sufism, where the Sufi's will be really God fearing pious persons and the post of the Sufism will not be hereditary.

The muslims will elect an most god fearing person as their Ameer and he will guide them.

I am not in opposition towards the True Sufi's and True Sufism, the early Sufis were really pious and God fearing people, and in those time around 800 AD the most learned and scholars of Islam were these people and their sons and nearest relatives, the education was not widespread and common people were not scholars of Islamic sciences, in these times these early Sufis and their sons were the only suitable candidates for inheriting the post of Sufi, therefore their inheritance was acceptable, as there were no other competent people in the immediate surrounding, as the modes of transport were primitive and so the means of communication and no printed books and paper was relatively expensive.

The nobility of the lineage was thought to be the factor behind their noble character and God fearliness and Therefore those early Sufis can appoint their sons the post of the Sufism, but now in today's era Islamic knowledge is readily available to all people and there are millions of Scholars of Islamic studies in Muslim societies and means of communications and transportation are easily accessible for all and nobility of the race has little to do with the Good moral characters, therefore Today the post of Sufism must be Democratically elected one, like the Four 4 Rashidoon Caliphate.

This Sufism and the society thus formed as per the guidelines of the prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam, as described in above paragraphs will provide benefits to the muslim ummah, it will provide spirituality and it will provide guidance and there are manyfold benefits in it, the muslim ummah needs hope and courage in the present era of tribulations, therefore this Sufism must be promoted by the modern learned scholars of Islam.

All new sects of Muslims are lacking in Spirituality, therefore the restoration of Ameer and Bayah or Bayat System will cater the psychological needs of the Muslim community and this system has the benefits of reviving a dead sunnah of our  prophet Muhammad SallAllah-u-Alaihi-Wa-Sallam and the God has promised us that if we fulfill his commandments then he will restore our glory and he will free us from our worries and sorrows and he will make us his favorite.

for Details please read my this Article.. click on this Link..

sufism-is-new-hope-for-muslims-all-over the world

Details about Surah 18 Al-Kahf, Ayat 28-28

Quran, Chapter 18 verse No. 28, in Surah Kahaf. (the cave), 

The Quran is not only the instructions and guidance for the prophet Mohammad PBUH, but it is a guidance for all people in all time periods till the last days of the world, therefore the meanings of its verses are guidance for all times, this is a miracle of the Quran, the Chapter of Cave i.e the Surah Kahaf chapter No. 18 is especially advised by the prophet Mohammad PBUH to all Muslims to be especially studied in the End Times.
The Verse 28 is an order from Allah to Prophet PBUH to keep himself in the company of his poor followers who were faithful but were poorest and the lowest in social ranks, therefore the wealthy non muslims objected to sit with them along with the prophet Mohammad PBUH, therefore the God instructed prophet PBUH to maintain his stay with them and do not leave them.
This verse 28 is not only for that time, and it is not only for prophet Mohammad PBUH, but it is for all times till the End of the world, and it is for all Muslims after the prophet PBUH till the End of the world, this is the Beauty of the Quran, that it can be used in multiple scenarios, it is the Miracle of the Quran.
Now after the death of the Prophet PBUH, we muslims are instructed by the God Through this verse 28, to sit with such peoples, these people are Sufis.
The Surah Kahaf, Chapter 18 is a guidance in our Modern times as we are heading towards the End Times of the World, this surah 18 points us towards SUFISM.

Details about Surah 18 Al-Kahf, Ayat 28-28

Quran, Chapter 18 verse No. 28, in Surah Kahaf. (the cave), 

The Quran is not only the instructions and guidance for the prophet Mohammad PBUH, but it is a guidance for all people in all time periods till the last days of the world, therefore the meanings of its verses are guidance for all times, this is a miracle of the Quran, the Chapter of Cave i.e the Surah Kahaf chapter No. 18 is especially advised by the prophet Mohammad PBUH to all Muslims to be especially studied in the End Times.
The Verse 28 is an order from Allah to Prophet PBUH to keep himself in the company of his poor followers who were faithful but were poorest and the lowest in social ranks, therefore the wealthy non muslims objected to sit with them along with the prophet Mohammad PBUH, therefore the God instructed prophet PBUH to maintain his stay with them and do not leave them.
This verse 28 is not only for that time, and it is not only for prophet Mohammad PBUH, but it is for all times till the End of the world, and it is for all Muslims after the prophet PBUH till the End of the world, this is the Beauty of the Quran, that it can be used in multiple scenarios, it is the Miracle of the Quran.
Now after the death of the Prophet PBUH, we muslims are instructed by the God Through this verse 28, to sit with such peoples, these people are Sufis.
The Surah Kahaf, Chapter 18 is a guidance in our Modern times as we are heading towards the End Times of the World, this surah 18 points us towards SUFISM.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fall of Europe Decline of European Civilization

Fall of Europe

Decline of European Civilization

What is atheism good for? If Europe didn’t have religion, it would be much worse off now.

“ What is atheism good for?”.

( Atheism is good for Our Enemies, not for Us. ).

This world and all life is nothing but the story of Struggle for existence and the Fittest one will be survived, in the Past We the Caucasians and Romans or The Europeans were the One Who Fought Wars for survivals, We Survived from the CRUSADES, we survived from the Extinction of Muslim Invasion in those Crusades, We survived ONLY because the Religion, Our Religion Kept us UNITED and our Religion Kept us Strong in front of invading armies and We invented the Technology and Science and tools and machines and arms and ammunition, and Today we are the MASTERS of the Universe, But the ATHEISM has evaporated Our Unity and Now We Became VULNERABLE and most prone to Extinction, We are the Most Endangered Humans in the World Now, Because other people and other RACES who were nude and Hungry a Century ago are Now Building Missiles and Our Atheism will kill us as we do not have unity and courage to stand in-front of the enemies.

Do you think Europe can be destroyed by the Atheism and immorality?

Yes and I was the first person to notice this trend and not only I noticed it well ahead of others but I had written about it in the Quora.

The Atheism makes the people loose unity, The Atheist persons cannot fight for their country, people, nation.

If the Europe retains it’s religiosity then only the Europe can survive, otherwise the Europe will be exterminated like the OTTOMAN Empire.

Is religion necessary in the modern era?


Yes, because in this modern era we need the religion even more than we needed in the dark ages, why?, because in this modern era we have already lost many values, many customs and many family ties and bindings and social unity, these things served as our shield in the time of our distress and our social unity resulting the religion served our cause of our courage during the battles and wars, this unity was the tonic of our survival, and in our time of distress and sorrow and sad moments the religion gave us hope and solace, thus assisted in our survival, suppressed the suicidal tendency, the evolution used religion for this purpose in the past, but now in modern era, we have lost ground in unity, our family ties have broken down, and we cannot unite and there is no solace for us in our distress and sad moments, we cannot fight with the enemy now, because we do not believe in rewards after the death, the religion gave us hope for that but now most of we are almost atheists, therefore only the religion can rescue us.

The modern western world especially the Europe and Americas are growing atheists and now be warned that the religious nations in the rest of the world are a big threat to the western nations, as the west has lost faith but the other countries of the world are growing in terms of the religion and one day they can be an existential threat to the European race, as the Europeans are not able to defend themselves due to their lack of unity and determination lost by atheism.

The enemies of European people have succeeded in making Europe an Atheist, now all the Europe and all European people including Americas are mostly namesake Christians, they are actually atheists, therefore the Europeans have lost the WILL to defend themselves, now they cannot fight with any other country other than the weak Muslims countries, No European country can even dare to think now to fight with the China, North Korea, Israel, etc.and the list of non European Atomic powers is increasing.
All the fanatic religious countries who are developing Atomic bombs are enemies of Europe in disguise.

Once it was the Europe which Unitedly fought with the Islamic Empires during the Crusades and this unity gave Europeans the opportunity to become world leaders in Science and technology and they could become Superpower, but this position of Supremacy is SLIPPING from the Europe, and only the spread of Atheism is responsible for the decline of the European pioneer-ship.

I agree that the religion in Europe has done more harm in the past than the benefits, but it was but it was the religion which gave the Europeans courage and morals and hope of Paradise to fight in the Crusades, and after defeating the Islamic Empire only the Europe can progressed in Science & Technology, otherwise the Europe was in Dark ages During the Golden Era of Islamic Empires of Ottoman & Middle-east.

The religion gives hope and the religion can unite the people, I agree that the religion has harmed the people but if it is a Good Religion then it will never Harm, it is time now to search for the best Religion, in order to adopt it for the sake of survival, otherwise the Law of Evolution will also apply to the Europeans and there will be Survival for the Fittest in this Struggle for Existence in the Era of Science & Technology & Atomic powers.

The other countries and nations who use science and technology today, are merely only copying, they are not the originators of the science, their example is like a person who uses a microscope and finds new bacteria and viruses, this does not makes him intelligent, the inventor of the microscope must be given the due credit, the Europeans are the original originators of the Science & technology and therefore They must Retain their Supremacy over all other nations, .

The Atheism will weaken the fabric of the society and one day the Europeans will be living on the mercy of the superpowers, same and just like the Muslims are today living, The Muslims were the Masters of the World before the First World war.
#411353048 · Apr 24, 2018.

 some people want to destroy the Europe by spreading Atheism.

The Europe cannot remain united and it cannot fight with the other religious countries if the Europe became ATHEIST, and the enemies of Europe wants to make Europe Atheist only because they want to become superior.

All the fanatic religious countries who are developing Atomic bombs are enemies of Europe.

The Atheism makes the people loose unity, The Atheist persons cannot fight for their country, people, nation.

If the Europe retained retains it’s religiosity then only the Europe can survive, otherwise the Europe will be exterminated like the OTTOMAN Empire.

Once it was the Europe which Unitedly fought with the Islamic Empires during the Crusades and this unity gave Europeans the opportunity to become world leaders in Science and technology and they could become Superpower, but this position of Supremacy is SLIPPING from the Europe, and only the spread of Atheism is responsible for the decline of the European pioneer-ship.

I agree that the religion in Europe has done more harm in the past than the benefits, but it was the religion which gave the Europeans courage and morals and hope of Paradise to fight in the Crusades.

If the Europe retained it’s religiosity then only the Europe can survive, otherwise the Europe will be exterminated like the OTTOMAN Empire.

I agree that the religion in Europe has done more harm in the past than the benefits, but it was but it was the religion which gave the Europeans courage and morals and hope of Paradise to fight in the Crusades, and after defeating the Islamic Empire only the Europe can progressed in Science & Technology, otherwise the Europe was in Dark ages During the Golden Era of Islamic Empires of Ottoman & Middle-east.

The religion gives hope and the religion can unite the people, I agree that the religion has harmed the people but if it is a Good Religion then it will never Harm, it is time now to search for the best Religion, in order to adopt it for the sake of survival, otherwise the Law of Evolution will also apply to the Europeans and there will be Survival for the Fittest in this Struggle for Existence in the Era of Science & Technology & Atomic powers.

The other countries and nations who use science and technology today, are merely only copying, they are not the originators of the science, their example is like a person who uses a microscope and finds new bacteria and viruses, this does not makes him intelligent, the inventor of the microscope must be given the due credit, the Europeans are the original originators of the Science & technology and therefore They must Retain their Supremacy over all other nations, .

The Atheism will weaken the fabric of the society and one day the Europeans will be living on the mercy of the superpowers, same and just like the Muslims are today living, The Muslims were the Masters of the World before the First World war.

Yes, it is a fact and some powerful people or countries want to destroy the Europe because it was the Europe which developed Science and Technology and Atomic power, and the Europe became the Superpower, therefore some people feel insecure and want to become self sufficient in military & Defense and therefore wants to weaken or destroy the Europe by spreading Atheism.

The Europe cannot remain united and it cannot fight with the other religious countries if the Europe became ATHEIST, and the enemies of Europe wants to make Europe Atheist only because they want to become superior.

All the fanatic religious countries who are developing Atomic bombs are enemies of Europe.


What is atheism good for? If Europe didn’t have religion, it would be much worse off now.

Ishrat Hussain Muhammad
Ishrat Hussain Muhammad, Melamine MDF Engineer Dubai UAE.

Updated Feb 28 2017.

“ What is atheism good for?”.

( Atheism is good for Our Enemies, not for Us. ).

This world and all life is nothing but the story of Struggle for existence and the Fittest one will be survived, in the Past We the Caucasians and Romans or The Europeans were the One Who Fought Wars for survivals, We Survived from the CRUSADES, we survived from the Extinction of Muslim Invasion in those Crusades, We survived ONLY because the Religion, Our Religion Kept us UNITED and our Religion Kept us Strong in front of invading armies and We invented the Technology and Science and tools and machines and arms and ammunition, and Today we are the MASTERS of the Universe, But the ATHEISM has evaporated Our Unity and Now We Became VULNERABLE and most prone to Extinction, We are the Most Endangered Humans in the World Now, Because other people and other RACES who were nude and Hungry a Century ago are Now Building Missiles and Our Atheism will kill us as we do not have unity and courage to stand in-front of the enemies.
